Bjørdal Industrier in Norway

Bjørdal Industrier in Norway

This is a webpage we made for Bjørdal Industrier in Norway, a company since 1907, working in the steel industry. We did use WordPress as the owner wanted to be able to update it later him self, and WP is so easy and perfect for that. They hosted very old webpage that...
Next project planning

Next project planning

Right now we are planning our next project which is a complet webstore, with all included. We are as usual exited about new projects and we are looking forward to challenge our selves in this one. This needs to be ready before christmas as it is for Icelanders, who...
Felix Baumgartner´s world record

Felix Baumgartner´s world record

It was very interesting to see Felix Baumgartner jumping from almost out of space and being the first man to break the sound barrier without a vehicle, reaching an estimated speed of 1,342 kilometres per hour. Baumgartner went up estimated around 39 kilometers in a...
New Customers rolling in

New Customers rolling in

Next week we will start to work for new customers in web design, logo design and more as it is a wide range of a project. Looking forward working for our new customers and we will share it here when finished.  If you know anyone searching for a new webpage, video,...
New customer ~ Bjørdal in Norway

New customer ~ Bjørdal in Norway

Last week we signed in for a new project for Bjørdal Industries in Norway as they want a new webpage for the company.  As we started the work they needed also some help making a print ad for a big magazine, so we just put the web on hold for one day and finished the...
Free WP themes

Free WP themes

In a report at I read about the danger of using free themes as they often are the first you see when you google WP theme, but the results are not always as you would expected.  Many of the ones that show up first have been coded with a secret tags to another...